I’ve Finally Realized…

1. I’ve finally realized…
I alone am responsible for my actions, regardless of how I feel.
2. I’ve finally realized…
That trust takes years to build, and only a few seconds to destroy.
3. I’ve finally realized…
Regardless of how long you’ve been friends with a person, they are going to hurt you at one point or another, so you might as well forgive them.
4. I’ve finally realized…
People count more than things.
5. I’ve finally realized…
The importance of never substituting an excuse… for an apology.
6. I’ve finally realized…
Charm only gets you so far. Knowledge will get you so much more.
7. I’ve finally realized…
Of the damage comparison can cause.
8. I’ve finally realized…
My attitude must be controlled before it controls me.
9. I’ve finally realized…
That no matter how hard you try, you cannot make someone love you. Your job is to develop into a loving person, and leave the rest to the other person.
10. I’ve finally realized…
Passion fades, and there had better be something of substance to take its place.
11. I’ve finally realized…
That heroes do what needs to be done no matter what the consequences.
12. I’ve finally realized…
Money is an awful way to keep score.
13. I’ve finally realized…
People will kick you when you’re down, but not the ones you might expect.
14. I’ve finally realized…
I do have a right to be angry, but I never have the right to be cruel.
15. I’ve finally realized…
Maturity doesn’t come in the form of birthdays; it comes from experience and understanding of those experiences.
16. I’ve finally realized…
You should never tell a child that their dreams are unattainable. What a terrible thing it would be if they actually believed it.
17. I’ve finally realized…
Forgiveness can only come from within, not without.
18. I’ve finally realized…
Our environment can influence who we are, but ultimately the responsibility is ours alone to be who want to be.
19. I’ve finally realized…
That truly wealthy people do not have the most, but instead are those who need the least.
20. I’ve finally realized…
No two people see everything exactly the same.
21. I’ve finally realized…
Regardless of how much you try to protect your kids, they will eventually get hurt and so will you in the process.
22. I’ve finally realized…
Credentials on the wall mean very little, and certainly don’t make you a decent human being.
23. I’ve finally realized…
Secrets can change your life forever, so be careful of what you wish to understand.
24. I’ve finally realized…
You have to learn the difference between hurting people’s feelings and standing up for what you believe.
25. I’ve finally realized…
That people forget what you say, but they never forget the way you made them feel.
These 25 Life Lessons are just a few that I’ve learned over the years that have given me discernment in my professional and personal life. Its small lessons like these in life that actually make the biggest difference.
What small lessons have you learned that have changed your life for the better?